Active linguistic learning through syntactic cartography

For a reflective pedagogical practice



Linguistics, Syntactic Cartography, Active Linguistic Learning


The similarities of subject structures and topic-subject constructions have led formal perspectives to focus their studies on differentiating such linguistic artifacts, as well as promoting an interface with Basic Education, since these language facts are studied in primary education. The aim of the work, in addition to highlighting the inconsistencies of Traditional Grammar in the conceptualization of the subject element, is also to propose an analysis of topicalized structures based on the Generative Grammar Cartographic Program (Rizzi, 1997). The hypothesis is that metalinguistic knowledge from formal theories can shed light on explanations that are more coherent with the internal knowledge of the speaker who goes through the schooling process. Furthermore, teaching practices are proposed as a methodology for teaching sentences that contain a topic, with the framework of Active Linguistic Learning (Pilati, 2017), which promotes the use of manipulable materials in grammar classes, in order to offer the exercise of metacognition in language teaching. 


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How to Cite

SILVA, Y. Active linguistic learning through syntactic cartography: For a reflective pedagogical practice. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 16, n. 01, p. 25-43, 4 Jun. 2024.