The role of information and artificial intelligence in diagnosis with medical devices



Technology in the hospital field, Health 4.0, Artificial Intelligence in healthcare, Smart medical devices, Information for decision-making


Context: The use of technology in the hospital area has been essential to improve the
prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. For example in Health 4.0, with
resources such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT) and Computing
in the Cloud, has been increasingly used in the hospital environment, providing information
accurate and real-time to support medical decision making. Problem: Medical devices
(DMs), including implantable ones, are paving the way for new advances in medicine and
in healthcare, the question is which AI technological solutions are applied in
medical diagnosis, using information from the daily lives of patients with DM. Method:
A bibliographical search was carried out in search of an answer to the research question,
using the Scopus platform. Objective: The objective was to identify
which relevant information from the daily life of patients with implanted DM can help in
medical diagnostic guidance in technological solutions with AI, considering the
patients' perspective on the use of these devices. Final considerations: This study
revealed a lack of research that explores the application of AI technologies in
medical devices, allowing them to behave intelligently. Stands out
still the lack of integration of these technologies with everyday patient information to
assist in diagnosis and clinical decision-making.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, I. M.; DIAS, J. C.; DIAS, J. C. The role of information and artificial intelligence in diagnosis with medical devices. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 16, n. 01, p. 73-90, 4 Jun. 2024.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas