The impact of blockchain technology on logistics business management



Blockchain, Technology, Management, Logistics


The main objective of this article is to increase knowledge about blockchain in order to reveal the real importance of this technology in business, which emerged in 2008, gaining popularity since then. Blockchain is vastly enlisted with so-called crypt currencies, which are nothing more than digital currencies. Blockchain is a shared and unalterable ledger used to record transactions, track assets and extend trust; its great differential is the scope of keeping the record of the entire history of transactions carried out through the chain of blocks, making the database, virtually inviolable. The wide diversity and growth of applications of this technology, it is possible to say that the areas financial management, logistics, production and quality will gain more efficiency, quality and security, mainly due to is relation with the creation of value in the transactions and the reliability of the data. The research is bibliography based on books and scientific articles, addressing its functioning, its evolution and how it is used within organizations.





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How to Cite

SILVA, E. J.; FEGUEREDO, R. S. The impact of blockchain technology on logistics business management. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 15, n. 01, p. 278-288, 6 Jun. 2023.



Tecnologia em Gestão Empresarial