Living the university
narratives of an authorized training in a pedagogy course - UERN
University formation, Authorship, Curriculum ActsAbstract
This research aims to understand the meanings attributed to "living the university" with an academic posture for the development of an experiential formation, by perceiving the learning experienced in the acts of a curriculum as a possibility of an existential formation. It is based on Another Rigor (Macedo, 2009), encompassing human beings in their formation, including poetic, philosophical, literary and the uncertainties inherent by the subjects. We were inspired by Multireferentiality (Ardoino, 1998), Life Stories (Josso, 2004) and the Curriculum Acts (Macedo, 2020), building self-narratives from the Research Journal (Barbosa, 2010) and digital tracks (Santos, 2014). As research sources we used books, scientific articles, dissertations and the Pedagogical Project from the Pedagogy Course. Therefore, we understand the meanings of "living the university" extrapolating the limits of the established curriculum, or any intention of just filling out a formal curriculum, but as a posture assumed in the face of the training implied and engendered in the Curriculum Acts.
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