Study of the feasibility of the production of beet wine from water kefir



Beetroot, Food shipped, Probiotic drink, Water kefir, Wine


In parallel with increased demand for healthy, functional, low cost and better access foods, functional foods emerged in the 80s aimed at optimizing nutrition and physiological functions of the individual. There are probiotics that act directly on the intestinal flora, interacting with microorganisms located in the intestine, promoting benefits for those who consume them. It is common to find lactic fermented beverages in the market and for years the industry USES these microorganisms as fermenting agents in order to generate alcoholic fermented beverages, so, although scarce in the literature, it is known that water kefir has the potential to produce this type of beverage, adding to the evidence of the health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption as evidence arises on the connection of this consumption and its benefits to the cardiovascular system, Diabetes and cancer accumulate along with the nutritional properties of beet. The research conducted in order to explore the fermentative potential of water kefir, this article devised a beet wine in order to produce a functional drink uniting water kefir and beet juice as wort. And as a result, was found the viability of the production of a wine through this fermentation.


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How to Cite

SANTO, G. DO E.; RAMOS, S. DOS P.; PISTILE, K. L. M. Study of the feasibility of the production of beet wine from water kefir. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 14, n. 01, p. 45-60, 18 May 2022.



Tecnologia em Processos Químicos