The Information Security on Social Media



Security, Technology, Social Media


This article approached about information security, show us how to Interact with social networks, the importance of your utilization in the social networks, the risks taken in your utilization, the suffered threats to whom practice every type of attack and how previne yourself. The social networks came like a facilitation to supply our need to share everything that happen in your lifes, this need can be explain saying that it make part of our lifes since our ancestors, but of couse by others ways. With this new way that is social networks we must have the discernment about what we should and can pots, in our personal accounts and in organizational accounts. Will be approached too about diverse monitoring tools, management and security avaible today and thar can be used by companies that way reducing your risks in the midle of the internet, but we haven’t the same benefits for the personal accounts so having to take certain care when publish informations voluntarily that could end harming. In addition will be say about some ways to prevention to personal and  organizations accounts, essential to be follow and implemented when using social networks making them safer.


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How to Cite

BARROS, A. P.; MACEDO, V. DOS S. The Information Security on Social Media. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 13, p. 252-266, 14 Jun. 2021.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas