A reflection on scientific publications and brazilian adherence to the industry paradigm 4.0



Industry 4.0, Bibliographic quality, Impact factor, Scanning


The concept of Industry 4.0 appeared in 2011 in Germany. This concept integrates technologies in the field of cloud computing, internet of things, advanced manufacturing, physical-cyber systems among others. Through this new technology, products can be personalized and with reduced production costs. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Brazilian adherence, with regard to investments, to this new production paradigm, as well as the quality of the researched material, reflecting a sample of the volume and quality of Brazilian production on the subject. As a result of the bibliographic search; carried out on the SIBiUSP platform - Integrated Search Portal, which is a search and discovery solution that integrates USP's information resources; there is an investment difficulty, both governmental and private. Postponing, in this way, the Brazilian engagement in this new productive paradigm. Another issue observed refers to the quality of the productions, which although they have some volume, it is questioned how much the researched articles support the answer of the hypotheses and the research question proposed in this study.


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How to Cite

SOUSA, D. O. T.; DIAS, J. C.; CERQUEIRA DIAS, J. A reflection on scientific publications and brazilian adherence to the industry paradigm 4.0. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 13, p. 29-43, 9 Jun. 2021.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas