The use of educational software in the learning of logic programming for elementary school children



Logic Programming, Education, Children, Technology


It is evident that with the advancement of technology, the frequency of its use in the most varied environments is increasing. In the educational field, we can see the growth of this scenario of technological integration, including its use aimed at obtaining knowledge through educational games or digital platforms. These two factors, together, result in the increase of initiatives for the learning of Information Technology (IT) and consequently the teaching of algorithms and logic programming, since it is the basis for a lot of knowledge in IT. The presented study focuses on demonstrating how logic programming can be an important learning tool for children through the main educational software and tools for this purpose, starting with a bibliographic research based on researchers in the education and development of children's thinking. In addition, the article approaches proposals for the insertion of Computational Thinking in education, also showing the results of a case study with an experimental class with 17 students from the 4th and 5th year of Elementary School. Through a descriptive analysis of the results obtained, it was possible to analyze the children's understanding of the concepts taught from their point of view, as well as observing the satisfactory performance in unanimity when using tools elucidated in the study, since all of them completed the proposed activities.


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How to Cite

MORENO, I. D.; ROMANO, S. M. V. The use of educational software in the learning of logic programming for elementary school children. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 14, n. 01, p. 162-180, 18 May 2022.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas