The use of biology and natural environment contents in the teaching of environmental education



Environmental practices, Agroforest, Discursive textual analysis


This research aims at showing that games, dynamics and good forest practices were fundamental to the teaching of environmental education. This study was performed with fifteen students from a state high school who attended theoretical and practical classes at State University of Northern Paraná. Firstly we conducted the application of one game about natural places and another was about animals and plants. After that, we did different dynamics about ecology and the environment. Finally, we asked the participants to develop the agroforest process. Text excerpts from a questionnaire were chosen by means of those different instruments/tools, which were subject to discursive textual analysis. The results showed that those practices were effective in the teaching of environmental education. However, the results indicated that students know little about regional plants and regional animals. Therefore, there is a need to develop more activities so they learn names of Brazilian plants and animals.


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Author Biographies

Thiago, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná

Thiago Ezídio de Oliveira is an undergraduate biology student at State University of Northern Paraná. He’s an Araucária Foundation scholarship holder (institutional program of scholarships for social inclusion support). He is part of the research group named Teaching and Teachers’ Education at the University of Northern Paraná.

Dayanne, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Dayanne da Silva Alves is a biologist and holds a master’s in teaching (University of Northern Paraná). At the moment, she’s a doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Science Teaching and Mathematical Education at the State University of Londrina and an assistant at Cristo Rei College. She participates in the research group named Teaching and Teachers’ Education at the University of Northern Paraná. 

Poletto, Universidade Estadualdo Norte do Paraná - UENP

Rodrigo de Souza Poletto: Biologist graduated from University of São Paulo State of Assis. He has a master‘s degree and is a Doctor in Biology Science (University of São Paulo State of Botucatu). His research area comprises botanical studies, environmental education, and teachers’ education. He is an Associate Professor at the State University of Northern Paraná in the department of Biology and the Master's Program of Education. He also participates in the Research Group Teaching and Teachers’ Education at the University of Northern Paraná.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, T. E. DE; ALVES, D. DA S. A.; POLETTO, R. The use of biology and natural environment contents in the teaching of environmental education. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 14, n. 01, p. 150-161, 18 May 2022.