Usability of mobile platform of social security for elderly

case study INSS



Usability, Elderly, Mobile Phone


This article aims to show the analysis made of the web-mobile platform of social security, based on concepts of usability on the platform where the system is located, usability aimed at the elderly public, bringing a case study of the system based on the concepts mentioned, evaluating each point of the platform and analyzing whether the interface properly uses the usability methods and techniques in the most appropriate way for elderly users on its platform for mobile devices, returning as a basis that the creator of the system must keep in mind that the end user, in addition to being an older audience, will be accessing their system through a small screen, with slower and unstable network connections, lower hardware capacity than desktop computers, thus a greater need for fast responses, since that will be accessed in public environments, which dictates a more dynamic and easier and more intuitive access to the site.


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How to Cite

SILVA, D. R. F.; LUISATTO, F. O.; MACEDO, V. DOS S. Usability of mobile platform of social security for elderly: case study INSS. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 14, n. 01, p. 107-117, 18 May 2022.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas