Application of data mining techniques in the operational performance of concessionaires

A SIADE case study



CRISP-DM, Data mining, SIADE, Rail transport


The current research aims to apply data mining techniques, based on the CRISP-DM methodology to the operational performance of concessionaires, using historical data that includes, from 2013 to 2023, the monthly movement of cargo on concession federal railways, originated from the integrated subsystem of the Rail Transport Monitoring and Inspection System (SAFF), the Concessionaires Operational Performance Monitoring System (SIADE). Therefore, it is proposed to use data mining for preliminary descriptive exploratory analysis in Python programming language, presenting, through column graphs, Brazilian railway movement in useful tons and subsequent predictive modeling in time series, with the use of the ARIMA method, aiming to identify possible trends, seasonality and forecast the operational performance of the railway concessionaires included in this study. It can be seen that, during the period analyzed, iron ore remained the product with the largest movement in units of useful tons (approximately 381 million TU, in 2022) and among the concessionaires, MRS and Vale presented the highest production in TU in 2023. Furthermore, predictions were obtained, making it possible to measure the expected movement of railway cargo for each concessionaire for year 2024.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, A. R. C.; OLIVEIRA, K. B.; SANTANA, L. T.; CHARADIAS, S. A.; MACEDO, V. DOS S. Application of data mining techniques in the operational performance of concessionaires: A SIADE case study. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 16, n. 01, p. 230-244, 4 Jun. 2024.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas