Analysis of reactions to Bruce Lee’s iconoclasm in the film “Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood”



iconoclasm, Quentin Tarantino, Bruce Lee, patches


This article dealt with an iconoclasm, through a scene from the movie “Once upon a time in… Hollywood”, in which a Bruce Lee character appears. This scene caused great repercussion among the audience, which generated statements by the director, Quentin Tarantino, and Shanon Lee, Bruce's daughter. The research focused on an analysis of the content of comments on the internet, investigating in what terms iconoclasm was understood. The treatment was through the categories: (a) attack on the character, (b) attack on the director and (c) not offended (as a control group).


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How to Cite

LOPES, R. C. Analysis of reactions to Bruce Lee’s iconoclasm in the film “Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood”. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 16, n. 01, p. 104-120, 4 Jun. 2024.