Exploring the possibilities of the metaverse

the future of interaction, education and finance



metaverse, society, education, economy, accessibility


Technology has always sought to use information processed by systems to transform lives, and the metaverse is a virtual immersion technology that has the potential to transform society in profound and comprehensive ways. It can create opportunities for human expression and creativity, as well as for building a fairer and more equal world. Additionally, the metaverse can be used as a powerful tool in education, offering an immersive experience for students of all ages. With augmented reality and virtual reality, it's possible to learn in a safe and controlled virtual environment, where one can experience and interact with objects, situations, and information in real time. Another benefit of the metaverse is the possibility of promoting social and economic inclusion through the development of new business models based on virtual currencies and innovative payment methods. However, this article emphasizes that it's important to carefully analyze and debate the social, cultural, and economic implications of this new technological paradigm to ensure that it's used in an ethical and responsible manner.


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How to Cite

NONAKA, C. S.; JUNIOR, C. P. G.; FERREIRA, A. J. P. Exploring the possibilities of the metaverse: the future of interaction, education and finance. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 15, n. 01, p. 148-163, 6 Jun. 2023.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas