Predictive data analytics

A concepts and algorithms approach



Big Data Analytics, Machine learning, Predictive analysis, Algorithm, Iris flower


With the growing volume of data and the advancement of collection and management technologies, there is a significant increase in interest in technologies such as Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning. However, there is clearly a knowledge gap among interested readers, especially in relation to predictive analytics. Given this context, there is a need to present the concept of prediction in a realistic way to support decision-making. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the specific concepts of Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning, directing readers to the domain of data science focused on predicting situations. The methodology used was deductive research, conducted by logical reasoning that led to conclusions. The results were based on a database widely recognized and accessible in the market, known as "Flor de Iris", available in the Weka software. The J48 algorithm was employed to reduce risk through prediction, classifying customers into groups of good or bad payers when applying for loans.


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How to Cite

DIAS, J. C.; DIAS, J. C. Predictive data analytics: A concepts and algorithms approach. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 15, n. 01, p. 63-74, 6 Jun. 2023.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas