Relevance of information systems and data mining in the health system: urgency and emergency

urgência e emergência


  • Ricardo David Rosatelles Marques Fatec Praia Grande
  • Jeferson C. Dias Fatec Praia Grande
  • Jônatas C. Dias Fatec Praia Grande


Knowledge discovery, Decision making, Urgency and Emergency


The information coming from data in the medical area is a challenging process, mainly due to the absence and obtaining of knowledge through them, besides the complexity in the treatment of these data. From the data, essential information is obtained for making decisions. In this perspective, information is an essential object in the health area, especially in the issue of urgency and emergency care. Data mining is the process of finding patterns and correlations in large datasets to predict results. Data mining employs a wide variety of data-driven techniques for a wide range of purposes. This study aims to evaluate if the application of data mining techniques, in the databases of hospital institutions that provide urgency and emergency, care can provide the acquisition of relevant knowledge that can be used for medical decision making. The method used to form the conclusions was deductive, since it is based on previous observations and knowledge established by the existing bibliographic repertoire. In terms of technical procedures, it was used of the bibliographic research through searches carried out in Google Scholar. The results of the research show that data mining is a promising technology, but its application in the urgency and emergency health system, in respect to decision support on health professionals, is still very low at the present time, revealing a greater targeting in systems focused on administrative areas.


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How to Cite

MARQUES, R. D. R.; DIAS, J. C.; DIAS, J. C. Relevance of information systems and data mining in the health system: urgency and emergency: urgência e emergência. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 12, p. 136-145, 1 Nov. 2020.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas