Experiences in emergency remote education
challenges and (im)predictability supported by complex thinking
Emergency Remote Education, Digital Technologies, Teacher TrainingAbstract
Emergency Remote Education (ERE) has been the alternative for many federal public universities, since the normative guidelines of the Ministry of Education (MEC), given the rapid infection with the new Coronavirus (COVID-19). Thus, our proposal, in this article, is to present, through a critical reflection, considerations about the application and the use of digital technologies in Emergency Remote Education (ERE) as a way to contribute to teacher education for diverse contexts, taking into account our teaching and learning experience during this period. The theoretical and methodological path took place at the interface between Theory of Complexity, as proposed by Morin (2007) and Moraes (2007) and the bias of Digital Literacy studies, according to Soares (2002, 2014) and Multiletramentos, according to Coscarelli (2007). As a result, we understand that digital technologies can serve as a springboard for teaching practice in the period of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE), but it requires a systemic thinking with a view to complex thinking in order to account for emergent complications and unpredictabilities.
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