The audiovisual production as a teaching-learning tool for the human sciences

delving into learning paths in the brazilian high school reform



Brazilian New High School, Deepening Trails, Audiovisual production, Cinema


This article aims to theorize the trajectory developed in the project “The School Makes Cinema” according to the Deepening Trail, demonstrating how audiovisual production is a considerable resource for the production of knowledge in a collective and dialogic way, based on the experiences lived by the authors of this text. This work starts from the methodology of reporting experiences with contributions in the cartographic research theory of Deleuze and Guattari. The reports that make up this work originate from the training paths built on the Integrated Deepening Trail “Technological Languages for Networked Societies” in two second-year classes of the new Brazilian high school at a state school in the city of Xanxerê, in the year 2022 This report intends to launch reflections on the possibilities, if any, of producing significant learning moments within the curricular structure proposed by the reform that implements the new secondary education. From these reflections, one will think about how the audiovisual can contribute as a producer of knowledge and imagery construction of knowledge.



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How to Cite

FILHO, M. A. H.; SOCHA , M. F.; WELCHEN, D.; MARQUES CERETTA, E. C. The audiovisual production as a teaching-learning tool for the human sciences: delving into learning paths in the brazilian high school reform. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 15, n. 01, p. 218-232, 6 Jun. 2023.