Adaptations of digital platforms for remote teaching

Microsoft Teams perception survey at fatec Baixada Santista (SP)



Online Learning, Microsoft Teams, Digital Platforms, Pandemic, COVID-19


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning has become part of the daily lives of many people around the world and with that came the need to adapt to this new way of learning and its tools. The objective in this article is to reflect on some adaptations of face-to-face to remote teaching during the pandemic and to know the perception of FATEC Baixada Santista (SP) students in relation to Microsoft Teams, resource chosen to make possible online classes in this scenario. For this, an applied exploratory and qualitative research was carried out, involving a literature review and field research with students regularly enrolled in the institution and a survey of the platform demonstrating the main changes that have occurred since its launch. It was observed some factors present at opinions collected: the lack of physical contact that makes it difficult to get close to colleagues and educators; the difficulty of interacting when asking questions, talking to the teacher or presenting group work; facilitating access to materials used in class; good conditions for learning in a virtual environment; and the predilection for face-to-face teaching. It is concluded that remote teaching is perceived as advantageous in certain pedagogical aspects, as it is an obstacle to socialization, especially for the male audience and under 25 years of age.


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How to Cite

BEZERRA, A. S.; ROCHA, L. de M.; … VANINA; Adaptations of digital platforms for remote teaching: Microsoft Teams perception survey at fatec Baixada Santista (SP). Revista Processando o Saber, v. 14, n. 01, 133-149, 18 may 2022. Available at: Accessed: 20 feb. 2025.