Computer animation: a reflection of animation in the 20th and 21st centuries
Animation. Computer Animation. Hybridization. Animation history. Computer Graphics.Abstract
Animation is the process of simulating movement through image sequences. This art has been produced for centuries; however, this practice has become job opportunity since the 20th century when new techniques were developed. The purpose of this research is to observe, through a bibliographical review, this historical journey from the 20th century to the present day, to determine the impact that the emergence of computer graphics has had on animation, which from that moment on was divided into two parts: a traditional animation, which consists of the process done manually before 1960 and computer animation, the form of hybrid production that emerged soon after. It was done a research based on the literature of several authors, including Professor Alberto Lucena Junior, the main reference, whose studies permitted us to understand that the animation reached its full development with the hybridization of its process with the arrival of computer animation, as it became more efficient than its manual counterpart. Furthermore, it was possible to observe that the animator, even with the technological prowess, still plays a fundamental role in this work.
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