Creative economy in the brazilian trade balance: possibilities of leverage in the art and antiques sector
possibilidades de alavancamento do setor de arte e antiguidades
Cultural Consumer Goods, International Trade, ArtAbstract
Art is one of the great mechanisms to enhance and strengthen a nation, in addition to disseminating artists and their respective creations contributing to the country's cultural and social enrichment, it represents a national identity and allows contact with cultural diversities. In the face of a globalized and media world, the relationship between the artistic field and its marketing aspects is the subject of many discussions, since art is considered a form of economic, social, cultural development and, also, a form of investment. Considering these issues, we studied the relevance and contribution that Art and Culture have to offer to the Brazilian trade balance from the possibilities that Brazil has in this segment. Paintings, Sculptures are the categories were dealt with in order to direct the focus to items with greater representation in international trade, the paintings being the absolute leaders of the ranking. Through the analysis of information and data presented in the graphs, the Brazilian export and import artistic capacity was discussed, as well as the sector's leverage possibilities. The analyzed data showed the need to make Brazil's exports and imports more diversified, after all, despite being the leading country in South America in terms of import and export indicators in the segment, Brazil does not reach the great Art negotiators in the world. The boosting of the Brazilian trade balance to the Creative Economy still happens gradually through governmental actions through clear, modern and strategic public policies, in addition to support from the private sector, such as: fomentations, investments, reducing the bureaucracy of innovation, massive contribution of resources in science and technology, improvement of the art system and expansion of access to culture, implementation of activities and projects that benefit the population, sharing of exhibitions, museum partnerships in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and public and private cultural institutions, investments in processes innovative and new technologies, professional qualification.
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