
qualidade e sustentabilidade


  • Virna Gomes Meira Fatec Praia Grande
  • Elisabete Mazi Ribeiro Centro Universitário Sant’Anna


Sustainability, Consumer, Competition, Trends


This article aims to highlight the importance of analyzing and understanding the consumer profile to increase the lifespan of any business. This is because the needs of the human being change in that they are somehow satisfied, that is, in the constant search for comfort, supposed improvements are being created and new tendencies arise. Together with this ferocity of demands and offers, the consumer is gradually having his conscience awakened, either by actions that return to the preservation of the environment, or by the natural perception that he does not need as much of everything as he has the feeling of needing. In the light of authors such as Philip Kotler, Henry Jekins, Alvin Toffler, Prof. Dr. Vilma Silva Lima, Prof. Mestre Fabrício Camargo, will analyze how to use the marketing tools before this unbridled consumerism, in which competition is fierce, but taking into account the emergence of the new consumer.


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How to Cite

MEIRA, V. G.; RIBEIRO, E. M. Marketing: qualidade e sustentabilidade. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 12, p. 163-173, 1 Nov. 2020.



Tecnologia em Gestão Empresarial