Study about the efficiency of the course of office automation and secretarial offered by FATEC-SP according to the perception of graduated students



Secretariat Professional, Academic Formation, Labor Market


The objective of this study is to identify whether the Office Automation and Secretarial (OAS) course at FATEC São Paulo attends the needs found by graduates in the labor market. Trough descriptive quantitative research sought to verify whether the existing areas of knowledge in the OAS course cover the teaching and training of skills that are required of secretarial professionals, and whether graduates achieve good professional career. It has been evident that the course is renowned in the market, and graduates achieve a significant rate of professional success, however, when gaps were identified in the OAS course, a second study was carried out on whether the new Secretariat and International Advisory course, in force from 2022, as a substitute for the OAS, will be able to such the gaps. It’s been identified that certainly the new one will be better meet the needs of future graduates. In view of the speed of intellectual and technological renewal that the labor market is experiencing it is suggested to renew the course with shorter intervals of time, in order to keep up with the market.


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How to Cite

SUGHAYYER, V. H.; CARVALHO, E. B.; NASCIMENTO, G. R. B.; PEREZ, M. O.; DOURADO, J. R. DA S.; OLIVEIRA, E. A. Study about the efficiency of the course of office automation and secretarial offered by FATEC-SP according to the perception of graduated students. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 15, n. 01, p. 201-217, 6 Jun. 2023.