Elaboration of a prototype for solid-gas separation



Gravitational Separator, Solid-gas, Particulate matter


This paper seeks to build a prototype, whose purpose is to separate solid particles suspended in the atmosphere or gas. The prototype is manufactured with structural materials such as metals, elastomers, and transparent polymers to facilitate the visualization of the separation process. Its construction must obey the dimensioning done for the equipment, that is, the width, length and height of the chamber are calculated according to the specific mass, the average diameter of the compound that will be separated, the gas flow and the type of particle that will be separated, thus performing its decantation in two different sections, defined as "coarse powder" and "fine powder". The equipment works through an air flow, which is supplied by a fan in a cone, dragging the compound, the gravel dust. It is considered a waste product by the mining companies, because it is of no economic use; the result of the waste product is damage to the soil, air and water. However, gravel dust can be used in another product, concrete, by replacing one of the aggregates in concrete, with properties similar to stone dust. As sand is considered a fine aggregate, it can be replaced by it, making it useful and reducing the impact on the environment, avoiding the extraction of sand, which is also harmful to the environment.


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How to Cite

MESSIAS, E.; KUHNE, V. DE O. Elaboration of a prototype for solid-gas separation. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 15, n. 01, p. 129-147, 6 Jun. 2023.



Tecnologia em Processos Químicos