
the effectiveness of the Phonic Method



Literacy, Phonic Method, Development


This report addresses the literacy process through the use of the phonic method carried out in a 2nd year elementary school class in the public network of a municipality in the countryside of the State of São Paulo. During the process, the grapheme and phoneme relationship was developed with the students, passing through three learning stages. To enrich the implementation of this method, lists were worked daily, as well as short texts, in addition to activities from a program downloaded on the equipment of the school's computer room. The need to develop this method occurred due to the great lag presented by the students during the diagnostic evaluation. In order to be successful in its application, it was necessary that the selected method was developed by deepening the theoretical framework and paying attention to clarity in the diction of the pronunciation of phonemes, syllables and words, in order to provide the expansion of knowledge about reading and writing. The reference used was based on authors who, in their research, prove the relevance of the method in teacher training, as well as its effectiveness, especially with children with learning difficulties.


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How to Cite

ROMERA, V.; ARAÚJO, R. N. Literacy: the effectiveness of the Phonic Method. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 14, n. 01, p. 216-228, 18 May 2022.