Digital exclusion and public policies for technological inclusion in the state of São Paulo



Technological advance, Public policies, Technological inclusion, TICS, Digital exclusion


The concept of digital exclusion comprises the extensive levels of societies that remain outside the phenomenon of the information society and the expansion of modern digital networks. The purpose of this article was to verify if there is a digital exclusion in the scope of the State of São Paulo and its Capital, or if there is a lack of interest by the population in general to be included digitally. It was used data from several studies carried out by the state government and by the city of São Paulo, and also some indicators pointed out by TIC Domicílios, a survey that has been carried out annually since 2005 in the country. The results obtained show a growing and evolving demand for greater digital inclusion and, even with several initiatives of the government entities, object of this work, there are still large gaps and bottlenecks related to the topic that need to be overcome, in order to democratically provide greater inclusion of the entire stratum of society targeted by the study.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, L. A.; FRANZESE, M. V. C. Digital exclusion and public policies for technological inclusion in the state of São Paulo. Revista Processando o Saber, v. 14, n. 01, p. 118-132, 18 May 2022.



Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas